The Name, the Search, the Agreement

Here is the Prophecy/Culture Update for February 23, 2021!

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The Name, the Search, the Agreement


In this session of the Prophecy/Culture Update I want to share a principle that comes from Acts 3:17 that has come to mean a lot to me concerning the declaration of the Name of Jesus over every aspect of our lives.

In Chronicles 16:9 the eyes of the Lord are said to range over the whole earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. This is true whether you feel it or not

Finally, I mention Dr. Michael Brown and dispensationalism. My point is one upon which key aspects of Rapture theory turn!

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5 replies

  1. Good message Pastor. I’m going to take the time every day to declare the Name of Jesus over specific needs and issues in my life. One need, one declaration a day, to avoid a long laundry list or mantra and to focus my prayers.

    I printed out Chronicles 16:9 and put it where I can see it. I like that you added “This is true whether you feel it or not” That is something I need to focus on sometimes.

    Anyway, thanks.

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  2. Dear Pastor Scott, I had watched your teaching earlier in the week. Thank you for the teaching! I so appreciate declaring the NAME of JESUS and His Sovereignty over my life and all that concerns me. I had wanted to watch the video again before I responded to you, as we were taught pre-trib when we were first saved. When I just clicked on the link in your email I received this message “This video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their YouTube account.”???

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